Learn the truth about how and why companies hire union busters and engage in union busting tactics in an effort to destroy union organizing campaigns. Learn more about the billion-dollar union busting industry commonly called "union avoidance" or "union free." Most of all, learn why you shouldn't believe the anti-union hype and hysteria. Your right to form or join a union is protected under U.S. Federal Law. Specifically, Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) states:
“Employees shall have the right to self-organization, to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid and protection.”
If you are a worker actively engaged in a union organizing campaign urge your employer not to hire a labor relations "consultant" or a law firm that engages in "union avoidance" or "union free" strategies and tactics. Tell them they could instead use that money to increase your wages, benefits, and working conditions. Tell them that in the United States workers are still free to choose union representation.
Union Busting 101 Videos
Learn how union busters use fear and intimidation to scare workers and thwart union organizing campaigns. The speaker in the videos below is former Union Buster Martin Levitt. Levitt is also author of "Confessions of a Union Buster."
Episode 1 - Union Busters; The Use of "Fear"
Episode 2 - Union Busters; Who Are They?
Episode 3 - Union Busters; The Role of Supervisors
Episode 4 - Union Busters; Fighting Back - Exposure!
Learn more about your federally protected right to organize a union:
30 Things Your Employer Cannot Do - "TIPS" for Union Organizing
Employee Rights - National Labor Relations Board
Learn more about Union Busters:
American Rights at Work; Anti-Union Network
AFL-CIO - Bust the Union Busters
Wikipedia - Union Busting
Labor Research Association - Union Busting Watch
Read more about Union Busting and the "Union Avoidance" industry:
The Union Avoidance Industry in the United States, 2006
Undermining the Right to Organize; Employer Behavior During Union Representation Campaigns, 2005
Learn more about the billion-dollar "Union Avoidance" industry:
Google Search for "Union Avoidance"
Yahoo Search for "Union Avoidance"
MSN Search for "Union Avoidance"
NLRB resources:
Locate an NLRB Office Near You
File a Charge at the NLRB - "Charge Against Employer" Form
You Tube:
www.NoBusters.org on You Tube