Third Time's A Charm ( The Spirit of Brotherhood )
This site is dedicated to all my dear fellow UT Pressroom & Packaging Department Employees. As Martin Luther king Jr. quoted "If a man is called to be a streetsweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great streetsweeper who did his job well. "
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
You Have Rights No Matter Where You Go!
Immigrants, visitors, even undocumented workers and illegal aliens have rights no matter where they go, according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Yet this is not enforced. Produced for Youth for Human Rights International by the Church of Scientology International Human Rights Office. ...
Saturday, October 21, 2006
La Jolla Rally Part II (We're back, David!) Friday 10.20.2006
Again the message has been delivered at La Jolla!
Full video coverage by mY dEsKtOpMuLtiMediA Production® MMVI (
My Wish, My Dream...It Is Good!
"I wish that in the future, everyone would be in peace with each other and war wouldn't be a word in our dictionary anymore. I also wish that someday, we will all be viewed as one, no matter what the skin color and what the gender and orientation, we will be all, truly equal."
Friday, October 20, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Learn Their Games & Their Dirty Tricks
Is managements Weapon of Choice !
Common Misconceptions and the
Management will always oppose a union, that’s a fact. Your managers and supervisors will employ empty promises, lies threats and intimidation tactics when you try to organize.
Management has been using these deceptions for years, however when these tactics are exposed for what they are, security professionals like yourself vote in favor of Unionization!
Deception # 1 Supervisors usually come around asking for another chance to change problems on the job, once an organizing drive gathers some momentum. The company may tell you that they didn’t know you and your co-officers were dissatisfied. Your supervisor may well start treating you better and showing new concern for your
When workers give the company a second chance, they are always bitterly disappointed. Once the pressure is off, the company rarely changes. In most cases, your chance of winning an organizing drive is best the first time around. Don’t be tricked out of your first, best chance
Deception # 2 Although it is illegal, the company will say you’ll be bargaining from scratch. Management will tell you that when you negotiate a contract, you may lose the wages and benefits you already have.
It is illegal for an employer to threaten to reduce benefits if a union is voted in. when you negotiate a first contract, you stat from the pay and benefits you already have and build on them. You are the union and you and your co-officers decide what to ask for in your contract.
Deception # 3 The company will tell you you’ll never benefit from a UNION Contract because they’ll never sign one. Since it is illegal to say this directly, they may say, “Remember we don’t have to agree to what the union wants in the contract”.
Your company is legally required to negotiate with the union you choose. Every company talks tough before workers organize; don’t let them bully you. It’s in the company’s interest to keep its employees satisfied and keep the work flowing. Once you present them with reasonable contract proposals, management usually compromises.
Deception # 4 Although it is illegal, the company may tell you that if the union is voted in they’ll replace you and your jobs by outsourcing its security department to a non-union company.
It is illegal for an employer to threaten you or your jobs for trying to organize a union. The bottom line is the National Labor Relations Act Section 7 protects your rights to organize and makes it illegal for an employer to outsource your jobs and/or replace you for voting in a union.
Deception # 5 Management may tell you that a union can force you out on strike whether you want to go or not. They may threaten that if you leave your job for a strike you could lose it forever. They may ask you how your family will survive if you are forced out on strike.
When a company threatens that a union will force you out on strike, they break the law. No union can force you to strike. No union wants to strike. Strikes only happen when the company refuses to bargain in good faith with the union and its employees. In any event a strike is a decision voted upon by you and your co-officers. If the majority officers don’t want to strike, there is no strike!
Deception # 6 The Company will tell you that the union just wants your money. They may lie about the amount of dues and/or initiation fees you will pay to be a union member. They may also tell you, you’ll have to pay dues immediately after voting for a union. This is a Lie!
There are NO Initiation Fees and dues are only payable after the union negotiates your Written Union Contract, which you must vote to accept.
When you compare your present pay, benefits, working conditions and the lack of job security vs. improvements in pay, benefits, working conditions and job security spelled out in a Written Union Contract, the cost of belonging to union far exceeds the monthly dues of two and a half times your hourly rate –!
Deception # 7 Your employer will tell you “The Union can’t guarantee you not one cent” and that you may well lose your wages and benefits by voting for a UNION.
Right now you are an at-will employee and can be fired at anytime without any rights or Federal or State laws protecting you! The truth is with a UNION, you at least have laws protecting your rights in the event of retaliation and the right to negotiate a legal and binding contract that indeed does GUARANTEE you the wages, benefits, and Job Security you all deserve!
Remember YOU are the UNION ! …….
Without a Strong Union Like Union Contract Protecting Your Rights …Your Employer has the Ultimate POWER to…. Fire You without just cause - Outsource Your Jobs – Change Your Shift-Lower Your Wages – Cut Your Hours and anything else he can think of …… BEWARE !
That is WHY Management is Fighting So Hard to Convince you not to belong to our STRONG UNION – GCC/IBT Local432-M San Diego !
Monday, October 16, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Know More About This?
Work rules inconsistently enforced at UT!!!
Somewhere I read that an employee cannot be found guilty of a company rule or guideline if that rule or guideline is not fairly and consistently enforced. Where can get a copy of this rule?
I wish there was a big rule book that spelled out all of employment law--it wouldn't be so confusing!
Seriously, an employer who treats people inconsistently without a legitimate business reason is opening itself to claims of unlawful discrimination, harassment and retaliation, and maybe even to claims of breach of contract or of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing.
"Be consistent" and "Have a legitimate business reason for decisions" are two of the Four Key Concepts of Employment Law, covered in our Managing Within the Law program. All managers need to know these concepts.
Wrongful Termination....Learn More!
If you're an employee who's been a victim of a layoff or firing, find out whether your rights were violated with our Wrongful Termination Checklist. It helps you understand your particular situation, in plain English, to help you decide if you have a million dollar case. More...
What UT should know about their unfairlabor practice?
NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS ACT The ActThe basic law of labor relations in the United States is contained in the National Labor Relations Act.The law was first enacted in 1935 and has been amended several times. As amended, it is sometimes also referred to as the Labor Management Relations Act. The NLRA has as it basic objectives to provide employees with a process of choosing a collective bargaining representative, to provide employees a means of engaging in mutual aid and protection and to protect employees in their exercise of those rights. The NLRA also established the National Labor Relations Board, which has the responsibility of administering the NLRA. The NLRA consists of numerous provisions, with Sections 7, 8(a), 9 and 10 being the most applicable to this discussion. Section 7 contains the basic rights of employees: Employees shall have the right to self-organization, to form, join or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection and shall have the right to refrain from any or all such activities…. In sum, Section 7 provides that employees shall be protected in their right to collectively bargain, to engage in mutual aid or protection, or to refrain from such activity. Section 8 of the NLRA sets forth conduct that constitutes an unfair labor practice. Section 8(a) describes conduct that is forbidden by employers. Section 8(b) describes conduct forbidden by unions. As this article focuses on employer conduct, only Section 8(a) is addressed here. Pursuant to Section 8(a), employer unfair labor practices may be found where managers or supervisors: Interfere with, restrain or coerce employers in the exercise of their rights to organize, bargain collectively, and engage in other concerted activities for their mutual aid or protection. Section 8(a)(1). Dominate or interfere with the formation or administration of any labor organization or contribute financial or other support of it. Section 8(a)(2). Encourage or discourage membership in any labor organization by discrimination with regard to hiring or tenure or conditions of employment, subject to an exception for a valid union security agreement. Section 8(a)(3). Discharge or otherwise discriminate against an employee because he or she has filed charges or given testimony under the Act. Section 8(a)(4). Refuse to bargain collectively with the majority representative of its employees. Section 8(a)(5). Enter into a hot cargo agreement with the union in which the employer promises not to do business with, or not to handle or otherwise deal in any of the products of any other person. Section 8(e). Section 9 of the NLRA governs election procedures and representation cases and provides that the certified representative bargaining agent of an appropriate unit of employees is their exclusive representative. Section 10 of the NLRA grants the NLRB the authority to enforce the unfair labor practice provisions found in Section 8. Section 10 also establishes trial procedures in unfair labor practice cases and provides for certain injunctive relief through the courts.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Monday, October 09, 2006
Mike Knobbe's Retirement Party in Casa Guadalajara
Last Sunday October 08, 2006 at 11:00AM-2:30PM my UT co-workers held a retirement party for Mike Knobbe. We had a nice time hearing his words again. And we will miss him so much. "He Is The Man!" and "We Wish Him The Best Of Luck!" It was held in Casa Guadalajara 4105 Taylor St.,Old Town, San Diego.
Special thanks to Carolyn Watts for organizing this succesful event!
CLICK & Read in text (In Tagalog) "Si Santa Claus at si Big Bad Wolf" from my co-workers version:
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Rally @ La Jolla...the message has been delivered!
The message has been delivered to David Copley @ La Jolla (Copley Newspapers Main Office Building). At 2 PM Thursday October 06, 2006. The Message of UT Packaging & Pressroom Employees is: "No Contract...No Peace! What we want is a fair contract....right NOW!!!"
Here is the full-video coverage
Click here for more video achives
Check my mirror site here:
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Monday, October 02, 2006
Know Your Rights!

Union-Busting 101
Click the image link and find out!
What Employers and Supervisors Can NOT Legally Do?
Sunday, October 01, 2006

- WHY is David Copley treating his employees at the Union-Tribune unfairly?
- WHY is David Copley cutting our wages by up to 40%?
- WHY is David Copley increasing our insurance contributions by 50%?
- WHY has David Copley hired a nationally known "Union Busting" law firm?
- WHY does the Union-Tribune, a profitable newspaper and David Copley, owner and local philanthropist want to set our lives back 15 years?