Saturday, August 05, 2006

Treat the girls right, be a gentleman!

July 20, 2006
To: Manager
Human Resources
San Diego Union-Tribune
Re: Sexual Harassment

On July 18th of 2006, I was working for the second shift of that day. At around 7:30 pm while picking up the papers I suddenly noticed the operator named Alex Alcarion passed by my hopper looking at me with disdain, not satisfied with his actions, he, Alex Alcarion went to my hopper daringly asked me if I have a problem with him, so then I said "No and why should I?". Then I asked what was bothering him, and why he was looking at me in a scornful way. I felt that as an employee of Union-Tribune he sexually harassed me and endangered my safety. After reporting the incident that had happened to Pam C. (supervisor), she advised me to inform any supervisor the next time Alex will repeat what he had done.
So in conclusion, I respectfully request a meeting between me and Alex Alcarion with the presence of our Manager, Supervisor and the H.R. Personnel to clarify this matter. Thank you and I hope you understand my situation, your respond would be helpful.

Leonor Alonzo


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