Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Community & Workers Rally @ UT (Full Video Coverage)

Created by mY dEsKtOpMuLtiMediA pRoDuCtiOn© MMVI San Diego,CA 92139-1134

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Article On UT Friday, August 25, 2006

This article was published by The San Diego-Tribune last Friday, August 25, 2006 on BUSINESS BRIEFING Section (Compiled from the staff and wire reports)

Informational picket conducted

About 100 people, mostly newspaper employees, set up an informational picket line yesterday outside The San Diego Union-Tribune building in Mission Valley to protest what they describe as prolonged labor negotiations at the newspaper.
Protester included member's of the newspaper's pressroom and packaging departments who are represented by the Graphic Communications Conference of the Teamsters. A total of 326 people are covered in those two units. The pressroom employees have been working without a contract since July 2005, while packaging department employees have been seeking their first union contract for the past year. They are seeking seperate contracts.
The union said negotiations have lasted for a year and that it fears new work rules to be imposed by the newspaper in packaging might cut workers' work hour and salaries. In a statement, The Union Tribune said yesterday that it will automate some functions in its packaging department on Monday and that will eliminate an undisclosed number of workshifts. The newspaper said it does not plan any layoffs.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Confessions Of A Union Buster

Confessions Of A Union Buster
Reviewed By Michael Costa
It's not a new tome but the threat for Australian Unions remains the same if not greater as when this book appeared five years ago.

Australian unions have been fortunate not to have faced the overt union busting that is a feature of US Labor relations. Union busting is a billion dollar business in the US. It thrives on the complex representation process prescribed by the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA).
Briefly, under the NLRA, employees are required to bargain in "good faith" with a representative selected by its employees. The method for selecting a bargaining representative is a secret-ballot conducted by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).
The NLRB will conduct an election when it receives a petition requesting a ballot, supported by a substantial number of employees, usually at least 30% of those at the unit seeking a representative. So difficult is the election process that most unions will not file for a ballot unless they have at least 70% of the employee committed to the ballot.
The NLRA also provides for desertification elections, (ie, elections to remove the right of unions to bargain on behalf of employees). The desertification ballot requires the support of 30% of employees covered by the collective bargaining agreement.
Theoretically, the NLRB is supposed to authorise an election within 30 days of a petition being filed. Recently, Martin Jay Levitt, a union buster with over 250 union busting campaigns under his belt, has described, in vivid detail, the way he went about busting unions.
According to Levitt:
"Union busting is a field populated by bullies and built on deceit. A campaign against a union is an assault on individuals and a war on the truth. As such, it is a war without honour. The only way to bust a union is to lie, distort, manipulate, threaten, and always, always attack. The law does not hamper the process, rather, it serves to suggest manoeuvres and define strategies. Each "union prevention" campaign, as the wars are called, turns on a combined strategy of disinformation and personal assaults.
When a chief executive hires a labor relations consultant to battle a union, he gives the consultant run of the company and closes his eyes. The consultant, backed by attorneys, installs himself in the corporate offices and goes to work creating a climate of terror that inevitably is blamed on the union.
Some corporate executives I encountered liked to think of their anti-union consultants as generals, but really the consultants are terrorists. Like political terrorists, the consultants' attacks are intensely personal. Terrorists do not make factories and air strips their victims; they choose, instead, crippled old men and school-children. Likewise, as the consultants go about the business of destroying unions, they invade people's lives, demolish their friendships, crush their will, and shatter their families."
For union busters, like Levitt, the NLRA is a "union buster's best friend".
According to Levitt, "in its complexity the nation's fundamental Labor law presents endless possibilities for delays, roadblocks, and manoeuvres that can undermine a union's efforts and frustrate would be members." The union buster's key strategy, when confronted with an election, is delay the ballot, thereby buying time to organise a so called counter campaign known as "Counter organising drives".
The two key targets of the "counter organising drives" are the rank-and-file worker and their immediate supervisors. Supervisors serve as the shock troops of the union buster - The union buster aims to create a climate where the supervisor feels personally threatened by the union - "I knew that people who didn't feel threatened wouldn't fight", Levitt confesses, "So through hours of seminars, rallies, and one-on-one encounters, I taught supervisors to despise and fear the union. I persuaded them that a union organising drive was a personal attack on them, a referendum on their leadership skills, and an attempt to humiliate them. I was friendly, even jovial at times, but always unforgiving as I compelled each supervisor to feel he was somehow to blame for the union push and, consequently, obliged to defeat it like any hostage - most supervisors could not resist for long. They came to see the fight through the eyes of their captor and went to work wringing union sympathies out of their workers".
Having turned the supervisor into an anti-union force, Levitt turned his attention to workers with union sympathies - what he termed "pushers". The strategy here was to personally discredit unionists. This required information. No means of obtaining information was ruled out. According to Levitt his team of union Busters "routinely pried into worker's police records, personnel files, credit histories, medical records, and family lives in search of a weakness that we could use to discredit union activists".
Where it was not possible to get "dirt" on a unionist, Levitt made it up. "To fell the sturdiest union supporters...I frequently launched rumours that the targeted worker was gay or was cheating on his wife. It was a very effective technique, particularly in blue-collar towns.
If the lies and rumours failed to muzzle union activists, the union buster resorted to sackings. These sackings are illegal under the NLRA. Section 8(a)(3) clearly outlaws discharging employees because they urged other employees to join a union. Nevertheless, union busters know that reinstatement procedures are complex, some dragging out for years after the incident. The aim of the union buster is to remove the union support, based in the crucial period, prior to the ballot.
Levitt's confessions not only highlight the defects of the US Labor relations framework, they also provide crucial insights into the important role supervisors play as opinion setters in workplaces. The lesson for unions seeking to organise the unionised workplace is - ignore the supervisor at your peril. Unions seeking to organise a workplace must ensure that supervisors are won over, or at worst, neutralised.


Community and Workers Rally

Community and Workers Rally outside the
Thursday August 24, 2006
2:00 PM
The Union Tribune boasts at being San Diego's
Community Watch Dog.

But "Something stinks@ the Union-Tribune"
It's time to ask: "Who's watching the Watch Dog?"




Silence of the workers is viewed by management as
weakness and acceptance.

It's time to show the Big Dogs, at the U.T.
that we're going to to be treated as human beings.

We're not working for scraps and bones.

We want dignity and respect!

We want "fair":
Working Conditions, Wages and Benefits...

Monday, August 21, 2006

The Union-Tribune Wants San Diego To Lose

Over the years, Padres fans have always turned to the San Diego
Union-Tribune for the latest news on our town and our team. But
now, the Union-Tribune is hurting San Diego workers and families.
The Union-Tribune's pressroom and mailroom employees are
hardworking, loyal men and women who have made it one of the
country's most succesful newspapers. Yet, instead of rewarding
their dedication, management (led by owner David Copley) has
stalled contract negotiations for more than a year, trying to force
these workers to take a whopping 50% cut in base salary and
health benefits. The cuts would drive many of them into poverty.

Many of these employees are Latino and Filipino immigrants who
have come to this country to work hard and improve their families'
lives. Now, after profiting from their hardwork, the Union-Tribune is
taking away their American dream.

Union-Tribune: Play fair.
Don't drive San Diego
workers into poverty.

This leaflet is not intended to nor does it ask any employees to cease to work or delivery

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Corporate Hack-The Watchdog turns into Big Bad Wolf

Little Red Riding Hood knew to stay clear of the Big Bad Wolf. To get close enough to gobble her up, the wolf had to dress up in Red’s grandmother’s clothes. The famous folktale please click the link:Litte Red Riding Hood

Moral lesson behind the story: Children, especially attractive, well bred young ladies, should never talk to strangers, for if they should do so, they may well provide dinner for a wolf. I say "wolf," but there are various kinds of wolves. There are also those who are charming, quiet, polite, unassuming, complacent, and sweet, who pursue young women at home and in the streets. And unfortunately, it is these gentle wolves who are the most dangerous ones of all.

Beware: "Every little good things has a catch!"

Letter From The Committee for Fairness @ the UT

Graphic Communications Conference of

International Brotherhood of Teamsters

GCC/IBT Local 432-M

1093 San Diego Mission Rd #207

August 8, 2006

Dear Packaging Employees,

After reading Mr. Connor's letter dated, August 4, 2006, you may have the opportunity again to tell the "Anti" Union-Tribune we "still" want to be represented by the Graphic Communications Conference/International Brotherhood of Teamsters.

There has been unfair labor practice charges filed against the newspaper, on your behalf. The most recent charge outlines how the company unilaterally changed the work schedule without negotiating with your bargaining representatives. These outrageous, illegal changes in the work schedule that will cause economic hardship to "YOU", the Packaging Department workers is about the lowest "ANTI UNION" tactic that a company could do to its workers.

Listed below are several of the charges that have been filed:

  1. Allowing an employee to solicit and circulate a decertification petition during working time.
  2. Unilaterally changing the way operators are scheduled on holidays.
  3. Unilaterally changing the operator's hours of work.
  4. Unilaterally changing the perfect attendance program.

These unfair labor practice charges were filed because the Union feels strongly about the Newspaper discriminating against you for Union activity and your support of the Union that you voted to represent you. They were not filed to take away you right to vote.

Since June 2005 when you voted for Union representation, this newspaper has gone out of their way to make anyone who supported the Union support, and that all packaging department employees would suffer as well. Their plan is to convince as many people as they can that because of the Union you will all pay the price until the Union is voted out.

I suspect that in the days to come, supervisors, management staff and non-Union supporters may approoach you as individuals and try to convince you that without the Union things may go back to the way it used to be. This is again another labor law violation and along with the other charges that I have mentioned. This will only show how desperate the newspaper wants to be Union free. Finally, remember why the majority of Packaging Department workers voted to be represented by the UNION, they wanted to be treated fairly.


The Committee for Fairness at the Union- tribune!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Truth About Strike

You have a right to strike

When Congress passed the National Labor Relations Act in 1935, it guaranteed workers the right to join unions and the legal right to strike. Likewise in Canada, workers have the right to join unions and strike. Without these rights, we'd be working for slave wages, as they do in countries where there are no worker rights and no freedom.

Employer strike propaganda

Even though this is one of our basic rights, employers always picture striking workers as unreasonable, violent people. They never mention why the workers decided to strike nor do they talk about the victories won by striking employees. The goal of an employer's strike propaganda is to create the impression that union members are always on strike.

Strikes are big news

It is easy to create that impression because strikes receive a lot of media attention. Strikes are the kind of dramatic event that gets front page coverage, while stories of peaceful settlements are not reported or end up on the back pages.

Strikes are uncommon

Strikes are very, very uncommon. U.S. Department of Labor statistics show that:

Only one work day out of a thousand is lost due to a strike (one-tenth of a percent).

In the latest year for which statistics are available, only 5percent of all union members were involved in a strike. More than 60percent of all strikes were resolved in less than 30 days, and 88 percent end in 60 days.

Ninety-eight percent of all labor agreements are reached without a strike.
Strike activity has declined significantly in recent years.

Strike procedures

The union staff and officers cannot call a strike without authorization by the members. The union constitution and by-laws say that a strike can only occur after a two-thirds majority of the employees in your plant vote for such action. Strike votes are also subject to these provisions:

Reasonable notice of a strike meeting.

Recommendation by the elected negotiating committee.

Approval by the GCC/IBT General Board
Approval by GCC/IBT president.

Strikes are sometimes necessary

When all else fails, employees sometimes feel that their best chance is to strike to win their contract needs. This usually happens when employers are unreasonable and need to be shown how valuable the contribution of workers really is. The right to strike is a potent weapon in the right to gain a fair contract. The exercise of that precious right is entirely up to the members. But without a credible threat to strike, the employer may not deal fairly with employees. When there is no recourse but to strike, strike or sacrifice benefits – although not comparable to regular wages – may be available. Such benefits are not available if your local union does not participate in the Emergency and Special Defense Fund.

Notice From The Union

August 3, 2006

Dear Fellow Packaging Department Employees,

The Management at the Union Tribune, has once again shown everyone just what they think of their hard-working employees, by forcing us to bid on a schedule specifically designed to cause hardship on their workers. Our Union immediately filed charges with the NLRB to try to stop this unilateral change. This will take sometime before it is resolved. There is no reason for us to just wait around helplessly waiting for a decision. The union strength is in its members. We are many, while the Management trying to disrupt our lives are few. By sticking together, we can do things ourselves, that can make a difference.
The Union Tribune is obviously relishing its role as the "BULLY." With this new schedule, they have in effect, just punched us in the gut and tokk our lunch money away. They are now waiting to see what we are going to to do about it. We now have to take a stand against the bully and hit them back twice as hard, that they themselves suffer, forcing them to think twice before trying to pull any more stunts like they with our schedule.
Right now, Management is really proud about what they have done to us. They are walking around feeling good that they are cutting our full-time positions, and forcing others to take demotions and switch shifts that they have been working for years. They are proud that they are trying to take benefits away from us and our families, as well as cut everybody's pay. They must be proud, to keep those yellow papers prominently posted in the bulletin case, to rub our faces in with what they are trying to do to us. We say let them be proud, BUT make sure they stay proud when we let the public know what the self proclaimed "Watchdog of the Community" is doing to their employees and their families. We'll see how proud the Company stays, when they are forced to defend trying to take away benefits from the community's working families, along with trying to cut our pay and hours. We need to help the Company show off all their actions, which have made them so proud. We need to share with the community what is going on here, so the so called "Watchdog of the Community" will themselves be held accountable for all the vindictive actions they are taking against the members of the same community that they claim to be watching out for.
So in the very near future, the Union will be organizing informational drives to get the message out to the community. We will need everyone to show up to these events to help get the information out, since it is in our members that we show strength. The Bargaining Committee will keep everyone posted as to when and where we will be handling out information, so everyone can participate. We hope to see everyone at these events, so we can once and for all show our "BULLY," that they have stepped on the wrong people.


Your Negotiating Committee

Steve Olkowski Dwight Wilson Ken Hughes Lynn Huiffman Benny Tatoy

Monday, August 07, 2006

United We Bargain, Divided We Beg!

Graphic Communications Conference of the
International Brotherhood of Teamsters (GCC/IBT)
Local 432-M
1093 San Diego Mission Road Rd #207
San Diego, Ca 92108-2176

Unfair Labor Practices of Employers

The unfair labor practices of employers are listed in Section 8(a) of the Act; those of labor organizations in Section 8(b). Section 8(e) lists an unfair labor practice that can be committed only by an employer and a labor organization acting together. The "Types of Cases" chart at pages 18-19 may be helpful in getting to know the relationship between the various unfair labor practice sections of the Act.
Section 8(a)(1)--Interference with Section 7 Rights. Section 8(a)(1) forbids an employer "to interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in section 7." Any prohibited interference by an employer with the rights of employees to organize, to form, join, or assist a labor organization, to bargain collectively, to engage in other concerted activities for mutual aid or protection, or to refrain from any or all of these activities, constitutes a violation of this section. This is a broad prohibition on employer interference, and an employer violates this section whenever it commits any of the other employer unfair labor practices. In consequence, whenever a violation of Section 8(a)(2), (3), (4), or (5) is committed a violation of Section 8(a)(1) is also found. This is called a "derivative violation" of Section 8(a)(1).
Examples of violations of Section 8(a)(1). Employer conduct may, of course, independently violate Section 8(a)(1). Examples of such independent violations are:
Threatening employees with loss of jobs or benefits if they should join or vote for a union.
Threatening to close down the plant if a union should be organized in it.
Questioning employees about their union activities or membership in such circumstances as will tend to restrain or coerce the employees.
Spying on union gatherings, or pretending to spy.
Granting wage increases deliberately timed to discourage employees from forming or joining a union.

The National Labor Board Website

Sunday, August 06, 2006

the C.H.A.R.M Squad (Chemical Hazard Against Risky Management)

Facts and Frequently Asked Questions about Unionbusting

What is Unionbusting? The term unionbusting describes the planned course of action to stop workers from organizing a union or to destroy a union already in the workplace.
Who are Unionbusters?
Unionbusters are professional consultants or lawyers, who may represent a legal consortium or consulting firm. These individuals or firms advertise their ability to manipulate the labor law system and specialize in advising employers on how to thwart union organizing drives or how to decertify unions. Unionbusters usually self-identify as ‘union avoidance firms,’ ‘management consultants,’ or ‘labor consultants.’
What do Unionbusters Do?
Unionbusters offer legal services, advice and consultation, training seminars, workshops and materials for management and supervisors, and a variety of targeted anti-union propaganda for distribution to employees, including videos, posters, leaflets, flyers and giveaways. Unionbusters’ sophisticated advice, training and materials help an employer create a sense of dissension and division among employees during an organizing campaign and spread misinformation about the union before workers vote in a union representation election. Additionally, “consultants advise management on how to stall or prolong the bargaining process, almost indefinitely—bargaining to the point of boredom…”

Why Haven’t I Heard of These Firms?
Unionbusters operate under the radar intentionally. Unionbusters often provide material and instructions behind the scenes while the employer’s management and middle-management/supervisory staff carry out the actual communications with workers. In this way, the unionbuster does not deal directly with employees and, as a result, may avoid having to disclose financial reports about such activity to the U.S. Department of Labor. The unionbuster’s name or firm is not used or referenced in the anti-union materials distributed to employees, further masking the unionbuster’s involvement in orchestrating the anti-organizing campaign. More importantly, the anti-union company is rarely called on to divulge that it hired a unionbuster or reveal the specifics of such expenditures. Therefore, without a paper trail, unionbusters are hard to detect, underreported, and not in the public eye.

Who Uses Unionbusting Firms?
75 percent of employers facing a union organizing drive hire anti-union consultants.

How Successful are Unionbusters?
It is no coincidence that as the unionbusting industry has grown, the rate of union membership has declined. A unionbuster recently profiled in FORTUNE magazine had ‘won’ 32 of 35 organizing drives in 2003 for his clients. Unionbusters even go so far as advertising their rates of success. One firm, Labor Relations Institute, now boasts a money-back guarantee on its website: “If your organization purchases an LRI Guaranteed Winner Package and the union becomes certified, the Labor Relations Institute will refund the full cost of the package.”

Seven Sophisticated Unionbuster Techniques:
Read below for descriptions of common tactics and materials designed by anti-union consultants to get rid of unions.

• Supervisors as Frontline Soldiers: Supervisors, who themselves have no legally protected right to be represented by a union, are manipulated into delivering anti-union letters, speeches, and informal chats prepared by unionbusters, essentially doing the dirty work of the unionbusters and management.

One-on-One Meetings: During organizing drives, 78 percent of workers are forced to attend closed-door or isolated meetings with supervisors. These aren’t friendly impromptu chats, but well-planned meetings to decipher employees’ feelings about the union and persuade them against the union.

• Captive Audience Meetings: So-called ‘captive audience’ meetings are held for employees during work hours to disseminate propaganda against union representation and to attempt to discredit the union. Employees are almost always required to attend, but union organizers may be intentionally disinvited. Often, the meetings are rigged so that workers who are already against the union are assigned to ask questions to sow misinformation.

• Delay: Unionbusters often attempt to delay union representation elections by legal maneuvers so they have more time to implement other tactics needed to increase tension, dissension and the employer’s chance of winning the election.

• Divide & Conquer: The unionbuster creates opportunities and crafts persuasive messages to make employees feel that there is a tense division among staff concerning the union election. They may go so far as to pit one group of employees against each other, based on race or ethnicity.

• Letters, letters, letters: A unionbuster’s specialty is hammering out materials—be it cartoons, leaflets or management correspondence—to make the case against the union. 92 percent of companies involved in organizing drives mail anti-union materials to employees’ homes.

• Love offerings: In order to convince employees that they don't need a union, unionbusters may advise clients to provide indirect bribes, like unexpected increases in wages or benefits or ‘feel good’ measures like free food and lottery tickets.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

It's Got To Stop Now!

One after another the dirty-tricks emerge revealing Union Tribune's ruthless campaign against workers' rights.
When UT employees attempt to stand up for themselves and try to form a union, they face threats, propaganda, discrimination, intimidation, and even firings. It's wrong, and it's got to stop now.

Get Up Stand Up For Your Rights! Power In The Union, Solidarity There Is Power!!!

Treat the girls right, be a gentleman!

July 20, 2006
To: Manager
Human Resources
San Diego Union-Tribune
Re: Sexual Harassment

On July 18th of 2006, I was working for the second shift of that day. At around 7:30 pm while picking up the papers I suddenly noticed the operator named Alex Alcarion passed by my hopper looking at me with disdain, not satisfied with his actions, he, Alex Alcarion went to my hopper daringly asked me if I have a problem with him, so then I said "No and why should I?". Then I asked what was bothering him, and why he was looking at me in a scornful way. I felt that as an employee of Union-Tribune he sexually harassed me and endangered my safety. After reporting the incident that had happened to Pam C. (supervisor), she advised me to inform any supervisor the next time Alex will repeat what he had done.
So in conclusion, I respectfully request a meeting between me and Alex Alcarion with the presence of our Manager, Supervisor and the H.R. Personnel to clarify this matter. Thank you and I hope you understand my situation, your respond would be helpful.

Leonor Alonzo

Isang Bi-Lingual Na Liham

Ika-5 ng Hunyo,
Taong 2005
Sa Aking Mga Mahal na Kababayan,
Ako si Hipolito Belarmino, o " May" sa inyong payak na pagkakilala. Isang pangkaraniwang Pinoy-American na ngayon, na lubos ang paniwala sa taglay na kadakilaan ng ating lahi, kaya nga't nagaalay dito ng patunay buhat sa ilang dahon ng nabaon-sa-limot ng ating kasaysayan na inihahandog ko sa mga kababayang Pilipino dito sa Union-Tribune, lalo na sa mga nawawalan ng loob sa kinahihinatnan ng Karapatang Pang-tao at Manggawa na naka-saad sa Bill Of Rights, Amendment nos. 1 ng Bansang Amerika. Sana ay muling sumariwa ang diwang makatao, at liwanagin sa aking kababayan na dalisay nga pala ang mga hibla at himaymay ng ating magandang kaugalian bilang Pilipino, upang maging maagap sa nang-aapi, at laging handa sa pagkalinga ng kapakanan ng kapwa, bilang masipag, malinis, matulungin at laging maasahan. At matalinong makibaka sa bagong panahon.
Kalakip ng liham kong ito ang tinatawag na " Summary Of Employee's Free Choice Act " at kayo na po ang humusga kung sino ang nasa katamaan, nasa batas, at may karapatan laban sa nagsisinungaling, nananakot at labis na pagpigil sa ating karapatan bilang manggagawa. Ang tangi nilang sinasabi ay "Isang Malaking Pagkakamali Ang Union!" at " Isipin nating mabuti ang natatanggap na benepisyo mula sa kanila!" 'Yan ay isang pananakot at labag sa kautusan ng National Labor Act Section 7.
Sa totoo lang, maganda lang ang tunog ng kanilang mga salita at magaling lang silang magsalita ng ingles na akala mo totoo ang mga sinasabi. Nguni't sino ang ang nanghaharass kagaya ng pagsasalita ng masasakit lalo na sa ngayon na nalalapit ang araw ng botohan, namumuwersa ng sa pilitan, kagaya ng meeting, pagkatapos kang pahirapang magtrabaho. Sila ang nanglilinlang at hindi ang mga taong makaunyon na tangi lang hangad ay ipatupad ang ating karapatan bilang manggagawa. Masyado nilang minamaliit ang ating pagkatao at kaalaman kagaya ng terminong "Unskilled Worker", na pilit nilang isinaksak sa ating kaisipan upang di tayo makahingi o makipag-demand ng mali-laking pasahod at magandang benepisyo. At karamihan sa atin ay part-timer. Ito ay sa dahilang ayaw nilang magbigay ng iba pang benepisyo kagaya ng Life Insurance.
Ang nasa isip lang natin ay " easy money", " mabuti nga may trabaho ako at sumusweldo linggo-linggo kahit unskilled ako!" " Di mo ako kayang gulangang magtrabaho, sapagka't alam ko na yang laro na yan!" O maging isang " Smart- Ass Kisser" sa araw- araw na pagta-trabaho o mag-double job para mabuhay at mabayaran ang mga bills. Tingnan po natin ang ating mga sarili kung di tayo makikitira o makikipagshare sa mga kababayan at kapamilyang sobrang bait di tayo mabubuhay ng marangal. Samantang ang iba ay nagpapasarap at nagkaroon ng pagkakataon na umangat at madali ang gawain kaysa sa atin kahit sila ay di nakarating ng mataas na paaralan. Nakikita at nakikilala lang nila ang galing ng Pinoy pag sa ganitong pagkakataon " Ang Eleksyon". Masyado nating minamaliit ang ating pagkatao at kaalaman lalo na sa karapatan. ' Yan ang gusto nila ang tayo ay magkagalit-galit at magwatak-watak upang di natin unang maisip na ang ang pagtatayo, pagsama sa Union at magkaisa ang ating tinig at humiling ng makataong pagtingin bilang hamak na manggagawa. Ang pinagusapan dito ay kung nagagampanan natin ang tamang gawaing inaatang sa atin sa araw-araw. Bumoto po tayo sa ating karapatan! Vote YES on June 9 & 10! Be Proud To Be A Pilipino ( Piling-pili Pinong-pino Pa! ) " The Fine Choice! "
Ngayon natin mapatutunayan sa kanila na totoo ang " People's Power ", ang Pinoy-Power at di kailangang maging madahas upang may pagbabago! " MAKIBAKA at 'WAG MATAKOT! 'WAG PAGAMIT AT ILABAN ANG KARAPATAN! ITAAS ANG ANTAS NG ATING PAGKATAO UPANG TAYO AY IGALANG!

Lubos na Nagbibigay- Galang,
May Belarmino ( a.k.a. Kaibigang K )

The Devil Is A Liar!

Date: Monday, 04 April 2005
From: Hipolito Meinardo Perez Belarmino (
To: Michael Connor
Subject: Treat Me Right!

Dear Michael,
I am here to have a written report what really happened last Wednesday, March 29.
About 6:45PM on System no.4. While trying to help my co-workers. I was treated badly, unfairly and insulted!
Alex Alcarion, the operator approached me unexpectedly and complaining against
me in tagalog " Pare wag mong ibagsak yang papel, di mo ba alam masisira ang fuse
nyan? Threatening me "Dadalhin kita sa opisina (" that I was bangging the papers too
much and that is not good, for I will break the fuse and he will bring me in the office!).
And asked me arrogantly ( with a dirtly looked ) " May problema ka ba sa akin?
(" DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH ME? ") And wanted me to send in the office. So, I stopped the machine and try to invite my two co-workers Benny and Nathan to witness the situation but Alex Alcarion stopped them intimidately and told them " "S'ya lang!(" HE ONLY WANTS ME TO BE IN THE OFFICE! ") So Andy Smith, the supervisor asked me the real score and and told him everything and I assured him that I am calm & ok! .We've talked about 45 minutes.
Since my day-one here in UT, I tried my best to understand his ( Alex Alcarion )
attitude, so since then I know what kind of person is he but still tried my very best to be a good friend of him, though I heard a lot of complaints against him.
Personally, he should treat us ( Filipinos) with respect and be proud for being hardworker
and reliable and not being used. He should realize we both share that " American
Dream? " He maybe wants to be the the top-notch in the company, that he pulls down each
and everyone of us ( especially for the filipinos ) for his own image.
I've heard a lot of complaints against him. And no one has file formally about his
attitude towards us ( filipinos) and other co- workers.
We always read and hear " Jog It Well and Keep It Low!"...the questions are "Are
all the the jogging table working good? Are the qualities of the inserts are good or stiff?
How much speed are we running? And always have consideration that most of the time
we are working more than one hopper and after all we are human, and we get tired!
And don't always put the blame on lights, yellow lights, rejects.....but who
really works hard if the machine are running good, the operators does the easy work.
They just yell and treat us with no respect and try to intimidate!" especially if you are a
new hiree.
Fairly, I can only name a few operators who are qualified in their position morally
and professionally some has changed for the better some not! They are just lucky to get
that kind of job!
This is not the first time a complaint has been filed against the operator's attitude
namely: unrespecfull, rudiness, abuse of power/ fault finder, no sense of teamwork
(they don't help ) and always put all the blame on us ( packager, feeder ) They should
realize that we always keep their machine running and save their ass. And we do repair
the rejects, if it is really needed. meaning we are doing a great job everyday. supposedly
that's why we are here and being paid for. That's our job!
So I hope this letter would give a better action not only for my own good but for
everyone who works here in the company especially in this department.
" Respect and Professionalism is what we all need because everyone of us here
deserve that kind of treatment!"
After all we all need to go to work everyday to earn a
Treat Us Right!
May Belarmino
Employee #: 106500
Packager II

Famous People

"In all humility, this inspiring aware in behalf of my -co workers, the men & women of the packaging department, who day in and day out give their lives, their talents and resources to improve the quality of the product of this company, such as the newspaper & to serve their customers what they deserve , while ensuring that they enjoy freedom & justice at work. It is of the essence that certain principles of life be adopted to form one’s conscience and reason, and to live according to those principles.

Most people can do extraordinary things if they have the confidence or take the risks.
-- Philip Adams

To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act.
-- Anatole France

Challenges make you discover things about yourself you never really knew. They're what make the instrument stretch - what make you go beyond the norm.
-- Cicely Tyson

Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.
-- Norman Vincent Peale

It's always too early to quit.
-- Norman Vincent Peale

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing.-- Abraham Lincoln

The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you're willing to work.
-- Oprah Winfrey

Of course there is no formula for success, except perhaps an unconditional acceptance of life and what it brings.
-- Arthur Rubinstein

The world is not a playground - it's a schoolroom. Life is not a holiday - it's an education.
-- Barbara Jordan

Getting ahead in a difficult profession requires faith in yourself. That is why some people with mediocre talent, but with great inner drive, go much further than people with vastly superior talent.
-- Sophia Loren

The best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.
-- Theodore Roosevelt

You have to recognize when the right place and the right time fuse and take advantage of that opportunity. There are plenty of opportunities out there. You can't sit back and wait.
-- Ellen Metcalf

Become the change you want to see - those are words I live by.
-- Oprah Winfrey

I have reached a point in my life where I understand the pain and the challenges. My attitude is one of standing up with open arms to meet them all.-- Myrlie Evers

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.-- Theodore Roosevelt

Don't let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was.-- Richard L. Evans

Stand Up For What Is Right!

Saturday June 4, 2005
Ernie and me after fullfilling our job assignment as stackdown crew on press C, we tried to fix all the papers on the reject station system nos. 1 and this is how we do it. Meaning, after doing the stackdown we go to the rejects station or they will run another machine. But this this time since they have enough people on the machine, we went to rejects to save some good papers. And surprisingly,Michael approach us like this. " How are you guys?" So What Do You Think, You will get out of this?" Since Im wearing my earpluggs and the noise decibels is really high, this is how I heard it and understand him. I let him talk and listen and try to comprehend
to what his saying, but I can say it's a routinely act and pre-plan, and they will do anything just to intimidate me and us, He told me that he was really upset about me and he even apologized, And I sincerely answered him I knowledgibly know that Im exercising my right and positive that I will get it. I might lose a friend but I will get my right. I also told him that in my heart, I idolized him as a person but he is in the wrong place, in the wrong time and in the wrong situation. He got I teary eyed and I got emotional not because I am sorry for what I'm doing. But because I'm happy that he talked to me, because its almost 2 weeks that he is giving
me a frowning face but I also realized that he was hired here not to really help us in the first place but to surpressed our basic human rights, he is one of the union busters, like Lamont Monroe. I told Michael I am very proud of myself whatever comes out on the election and we promised each other that we will be in good terms and be a good friend after this!

Dirty Campaign

Thursday, June 09, 2005 Election Day
All the union supporters worked on system 1 and the operators and the supervisors kept on eye whatever mistakes we will commit!
We were Jing, Benny, Ernie,May, Drew, A new bad smelling fat guy, Sinbad, other side were Alex Sahagun, Krystal, Lupe while Michael going back and forth to his office getting aprons forcefully offering some employees to wears theirs, they were trying very hard and forcing the people to convince to vote for them since the very start of our shift.
Bravely enough, I had shoot a video Marina talking so long to Albert on the middle isle for about 30 minutes! And Marina warned Freddie Perez not to talk to any body but in reality they were the one who always violate the rule and regulation of the election. And our voting and lunch time
totalled to 30 minutes that we cannot campaign and influenced others. They don't gave us any consideration like giving us an ample time for our lunch break and voting time like the way they did last year, as I remember.

On the day before election Wednesday, June 08, 2005 Cris Norton, the supervisor warned and intimidate Freddie Perez not to use the bathroom, He also tried to intimidate me during my break, while walking down through the break area I passed by system nos. 1 on M hopper I saw Benny Tatoy and had a friendly greetings like shaking hands but Cris approached me and warned me that it was my break and I should go to the break area. But the reality they were really campaigning so hard and forced people, brainwashing or doing some scary tactics while we were working!

Also Marina warned Lily and Freddie not to talk to anybody but they were the one who was campaigning so hard one on one talking to the people while working! And Even
Michael going back and forth getting some campaign paraphernalia like apron....while the supervisor were all on eyes to us ( union supporters) and finding any misbehavior or mistakes on our job!

Sunday June 12, we had a little victory party..guys in the pressroom gave us a congratulation letter and gave us their appreciation and moral support...Mike Higgins and Jack
from the Pressroom had their speeches about what comes next? And what to expect!...A lot of people gave their support to us for winning the majority vote..Esther, the operator and confessed to me about Marina's campaign tactics and she told me that she warned Marina that she is violating the law of a fair election...especially for the way he is treating the filipino like Virgi Opianal and the others, I am really sorry for my people they dont know what they are fighting for, they are misinformed about the issues, they are scared for nothing, I hope they changed and be open minded and don't take it personally against one another. I really loved them and try to unite them, teach to fight for the common goal! I was able to shoot a video of this event, I'm the video man!!!

Know Your Rights

Asserting Your Rights in the Workplace
Learn how to handle a conflict with your employer to protect your rights and get results.
Depending on the size of your employer, the state in which you live, and your profession, you may be entitled to certain legal protections in the workplace, including:
the right not to be discriminated against on the basis of your race, national origin, skin color, gender, pregnancy, religious beliefs, disability, or age (and in some places, marital status or sexual orientation)
the right to a workplace free of harassment
the right to be paid at least the minimum wage, and an overtime premium for any hours worked over forty in one week (or, in some places, over eight hours in one day)
the right to a safe workplace
the right to take leave to care for your own or a family member's serious illness, or following the birth or adoption of a child, and
the right to some privacy in personal matters.
Nolo's online articles on employee rights explain these rights in detail. But once you have figured out that your legal rights may have been violated, what should you do about it? Here are several steps you can take to assert your legal rights.
1. Talk to Your Employer
The first thing to do is talk to your employer. An intelligent discussion can resolve most wrongs, or at least get your differences out on the table. Most companies want to stay within the law and avoid legal tangles. Unless you work for a truly uncaring and antagonistic employer, chances are that your problem is the result of an oversight, a misunderstanding or a lack of legal knowledge.
Here are a few tips on how to present your concerns to your employer:
Know your rights. The more you know about your legal rights in the workplace, the more confident you will be in presenting your problem.
Stick to the facts. Before meeting with your employer, write a brief summary of what has gone wrong and your recommendation for resolving the problem. It might help to have someone more objective, such as a friend or family member, review the facts and brainstorm with you about possible resolutions. Make sure not to leave any important facts out.
Don't be overly emotional. Dealing with a workplace problem can be stressful, but unfounded accusations and emotional outbursts won't help you get your point across. Practice your presentation ahead of time to make sure you can remain professional and calm.
Decide the next steps. Before finishing your discussion with your employer, come to some agreement with your boss as to what will happen next. Will the company investigate the problem? Will your boss talk to your coworkers or supervisor? Will evaluations, job responsibilities, or reporting relationships be changed?
2. Follow Up With Your Employer
Once you have spoken to your employer, make sure to follow up on the meeting. If your employer promised to investigate the matter or talk to other employees, check back to find out the status of those actions. After a few weeks have passed, schedule another meeting with your employer to discuss what progress has been made in resolving your problem.
3. Document the Problem
If talking things over with your employer does not resolve the dispute, or if your employment situation seems to be headed downhill, protect yourself by gathering documentation. Take notes of key conversations and events, including the time, date, and names of others who were present. Gather documents that might support your side of the story, such as company policies, offer letters, performance reviews, memoranda, correspondence ,or employee handbooks.
Be careful, however, to collect only those documents you have legitimate access to. Taking or copying confidential documents -- even if they are related to your dispute -- could get you fired and could compromise your legal claims.
If your coworkers saw or heard any of the incidents that contributed to the problem (such as a verbal performance review, a harassing comment, or a search of your workspace), ask them to write down what they saw and heard in signed, dated statements.
4. Don't Miss Legal Deadlines
If your employer doesn't seem to be taking your complaint seriously, or you are demoted or fired, you will have to consider whether to take legal action. The law sets deadlines (often called "statutes of limitations") for filing certain types of claims or lawsuits, ranging from several weeks to several years. If one of these deadlines applies to your case, you will have to think sooner rather than later about whether to go to court. You might want to consult with a lawyer about your problem to figure out how strong your claims are, whether any filing deadlines apply to your dispute and what you might expect to gain or lose if you file a lawsuit.

Ako, ang Amerika at ang aking karapatan

Una sa lahat ako ay isa lamang ako sa napakaraming Pilipino na nangarap at mamiling manirahan dito sa bansang Amerika sa hangad na gumanda ang kinabukasan sa kapakanan ng aking pamilya.
Dahil sa sapat na karapatan sa pamamagitan ng aking ama bilang isang sundalo ng United States Armed Forces Of The Far East (USAFE) at ipinagtanggol ang Amerika noong World War II ay nagkaroon ang aming buong pamilya ng sapat at legal na karapatan upang maging mamayan manirahan dito sa Amerika.
Pangalawa, isa sa aking kapatid ay pinalad makapasa sa mga pagsubok at makapaglingkod
dito sa bansang Amerika bilang isang US NAVY, nagsilbi sya ng 23 taon at isa sya sa mga unang
ipinadala sa First Persian Gulf o " Operation Dessert Storm".
Pinili kong isulat sa sariling kong wika ang liham na ito upang ipabatid sa lahat ng makakabasa nito na "Isa Akong Pilipino na ipinanaganak sa mahal kong bayang Pilipinas na nagkaroon ng sapat na karapatan na manirahan, mamuhay at maging legal na mamayan dito sa lupang Amerika ngunit sa puso, sa diwa, sa isip ako ay isa pa ring Tunay Pilipino na may paniwala sa Diyos at sa pantay na karapatan ng bawa't tao anuman sya at sa salitang demokrasya na itinuro sa atin ng bansang Amerika.
Sa ngayon isa akong mamayang Amerikano ( Naturalized American Citizen ) na nagtatrabaho at nagababayad ng tamang buwis at nagsisikap itawid ang pangaraw-araw na pamumuhay upang matupad ang minimithing tagumpay at ang pangarap na " The Great American Dream ". " Mayroon nga ba nito?"
Sa loob ng humigit-kumulang labing-dalawang taon na pagtatrabaho at nakatuon ang isip na kailangang kumita, tanggapin ang lahat, mahalin ang trabaho anuman sya at 'wag maging pihikan o maselan, mabayaran lahat ang mga obligasyon at magsikap sa katuparan ng lahat ay nakalimutan ko ang salitang "KARAPATAN" ng isang karaniwang mang-gagawa.
Sa ngayon isa ako na sumusuporta na magkaroon ng isang" worker's union" upang mapangalagaan ang aming karapatan, maitaas ang antas ng pagkatao, tumanggap at makiusap ng tamang pasuweldo at maghangad ng benepisyo.
Ayon sa NLRA ( National Labor Relation Act ) ang lahat na aking huling nabanggit ay ating karapatan at di dapat ikatakot o ikahiya kung ipinapakita natin ating karapatan bilang isang manggagawa, kagaya ng pagtatayo o pagsama sa " Union ". Alam ko tulad ko rin kayo na pasalamat na mayroon akong trabaho kahit paano, walang pakialalam at kung sasali ako sa "Union" gugulo lang aking buhay, ok naman 'to kesa wala! Baka pa mawala ang aking mga benefit kung sasali o magmiyembro nito?
Kailangang ilampas natin ng kaunti ang ating kaisipan sa "paycheck everyweek", " easy money " pumapayag sigawan o utus-utusan palagi ng nakakataas sa takot mawalan ng trabaho, at di man lang napapansin ang mabuting kaugalian ng isang Pilipinong manggagawa masipag, matiyaga, malinis at di nagiisip ng masama sa katrabaho nya kagaya ng panggugulang sa trabaho.
Sa kanila po tayo natuto ng masama, kagaya ng maging tamad, di matulungin, walang pakisama, kailangan magpalakas o magsipsip ( Kiss Ass, Smart Ass o kailangang makipag bull-shitan araw-araw na sa akala mo yan ang American Style para magkarooon ng pagkakataon matutunan at maipagmalaki na may alam o may natutunan kang iba at utang na loob o malaking pasasalamat sa kanila dahil nagkaroon ka na pagkakataon! Aanhin natin ang lahat ng ito kung niyuyurakan ang ating karapatan, at di tinutupad ang salitang "Demokrasya" na ipinagmamalaki sa buong mundo at naging pinakamagaling na bansa sa buong mundo, ang Amerika. Ano at nasaan ang salitang " Home Of The Brave and Land Of The Free", kung tayo ay takot at di malaya sa ating karapatang pangtao!
Tayong Pilipino, karamihan sa atin napunta tayo sa Amerika, ng di nakataningkala, di nakabangka, di tumatawid sa border, at di rin sa relihiyon o sa anumang bagay tayo ay nakaeroplano at dahil din sa karapatan, kaya tayo ay namumuhay kasama ang mga mahal natin sa buhay, kagaya ng iba pang karapatang pangtao.